Red Monster World

Branding, E-Commerce

Established since 2012, Red Monster™ has exclusively developed three series of portable chargers designed to suit your needs in different capacities, Red Monster™ Power Bang! Red Monster™ Gangnam Power! and Red Monster™ Ultra Slim ~ Ever wonder why we are called the Red Monster? Red is synonymous with that battery bar running low. No one is a fan of having their gadgets annoyingly die on them while they’re outside having the time of their lives. Monsters are often depicted as ugly, unfriendly “things” conjured up by the imaginative mind. Here at Red Monster™, we see things a little differently. Our “monster” is a big, powerful and loud creature, which succinctly sums up every single bit of what our company, staffs and products are about.

8Volution Revamped Red Monster Singapore E-commerce in 2016.

Works includes UI and UX Design, Graphics Design, E-Commerce Development.